Types of Auto Insurance Fraud And How They Affect You

Insurance fraud causes insurance companies a significant amount of money. However, the ripple effect is that insurance customers are affected as policy costs can be increased. At one point or another, Ft. Worth, TX residents have fallen victim to an insurance fraud crime. Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. takes you through the different types of insurance fraud that happen.

Staged Accidents

Some drivers intentionally cause a collision with another vehicle to receive a fraudulent insurance payout. In such cases, you will find the other unsuspecting driver being faulted for an accident they had no hand in. If you ever suspect that you are being set up, document the accident and the extent of the damage. Also, be careful of people too eager to help and even offer towing services.

Vehicle Dumping

A driver will dispose of their vehicle in such a case, whether it is dumping it in a lake or burning it. On certain occasions, some drivers have sold their cars and claimed they were stolen. When this happens, an insurance company is expected to pay the driver through an insurance settlement to replace the vehicle stolen.

Exaggerated Costs of Repair After an Accident

Dishonest mechanics usually do this type of fraud. Some mechanics will use used parts to repair your car when you take it to the repair shop after an accident. However, they would send a bill to an insurance company suggesting they use new parts and the job took longer than it did. This type of fraud is committed for financial gain.

Faulty Airbag Replacement

This type of fraud occurs when a mechanic does not replace airbags after an accident. At times, repair shops will use salvaged airbags instead of replacing them with new ones. The mechanics will then bill the insurance company for new airbags to benefit them financially.

If you reside in Ft. Worth, TX, and want to learn more about auto insurance fraud, contact Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. We are ready to help you avoid becoming a victim of insurance fraud.

Questions To Ask Your Insurance Agent When You Are Shopping For Auto Insurance

When it comes to choosing the right auto insurance policy, many people get confused and do not know how to make the right choice. However, when you have the right information, it is easier than you think. The best and most valuable source of the information you need is an insurance agent. Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. serving Ft. Worth, TX prepared a list of questions you should ask an insurance agent when you are shopping for auto insurance:

What Is Covered If I Get Involved in a Car Accident and My Vehicle Is Damaged?

One of the most common misconceptions is that car insurance automatically covers the repair and replacement of a car. However, you may not have these benefits without the right coverage. If you want the repair and replacement of your car to be covered, you need collision coverage or comprehensive coverage. Make sure you ask an insurance agent about it before buying a certain policy. 

Will My Policy Cover Other Drivers of My Car?

Usually, your auto insurance will cover you while you are driving your own car. However, there may be other situations. For example, your family member may drive a car too, or your friend will borrow your vehicle. Will they be covered if they are involved in an accident while driving your car? It is another question you should always ask an insurance representative. 

What Factors Are Having Impact on the Cost of Insurance?

If you feel your premiums are too high, you should ask an insurance agent to give you specific reasons and explain what is the reasons for the price you have to pay. 

There are many other questions to ask and you should not hesitate to ask them. The more questions you ask, the more information you get that will help you make the right choice and purchase the insurance policy you really need. If you have any questions or you want to learn more about the insurance options available, feel free to contact Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. serving Ft. Worth, TX – our insurance agents will be glad to answer all your questions. 

How much auto insurance do I need to carry in Texas

Fort Worth, TX is a wonderful place to call home. It has a great location and fantastic amenities. You have access to highways that can take you all over the state. Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. in Ft. Worth, TX has been providing superior service to residents of the greater Fort Worth area for 11 years. We make sure you have coverage today as well as in the future. 

In the state of Texas liability insurance is required. The requirement is 30/60/25. What this means is 

  • $30,000 in liability coverage for injuries per person 
  • $60,000 total liability per accident
  • $25,000 in damage to property

This insurance is to protect other drivers and their property from you in the event you cause or are responsible for an accident. It does nothing for your vehicle. Chances are in an accident that involves damage to another vehicle, your vehicle will also sustain some damage. If you have a car loan or if you are leasing your vehicle, your lessor or lender is going to want to make sure their vehicle is protected. They will require that you carry additional insurance for that purpose. 

Collision insurance cover damage to your vehicle. It has a deductible you will have to pay out of pocket but then the policy will pay to have your vehicle repaired or in the event, your vehicle is totaled, provide money allowing you to buy another car. Comprehensive is another type of coverage that protects your vehicle. Many things that damage your vehicle are things you can’t control. If your car is stolen or vandalized, crushed by a tree limb, or if you hit a deer these will be covered with comprehensive coverage. 

Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. in Ft. Worth, TX can provide the auto insurance information you are looking for. Give us a call or stop by for a free quote. 

Adding Teens to Your Auto Insurance: What You Need to Know

Being the parent of a teen has many challenges. You may think you are finally getting a grip on parenting your teen when you realize it is now time to add them to your insurance. This can be a stressful time for most parents. At Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc serving Ft. Worth, TX, we want to try to relieve some of that stress by helping to educate you on this important insurance topic. 

When Should I Add My Teen to My Insurance?

Each state will have different laws in place regarding when a teen should be added to the insurance policy. If you have a teen in your home who is permitted by law to drive, you need to contact an insurance rep to discuss the best timing for adding your teen to your policy. 

How Will My Insurance Change When I Add My Teen?

Everyone’s insurance policy is unique according to their specific driving record and history, but you can expect your insurance rates to go up some when you add a teen driver. Teens are a bigger risk factor for accidents and traffic violations because they do not have that much experience. It is helpful to discuss with your teen what your expectations are and to inform them that their driving behavior can affect your insurance. Set in place clear consequences in the event that poor driving habits become a problem. 

How Can I Keep Costs Low?

Be sure that your teen understands what you expect of them concerning their driving behaviors and make sure they understand how their behavior will affect the insurance policy. Many insurance policies will offer a good grade discount for students as well. 

If you would like to learn more about adding your teen to your auto insurance, please contact us at Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc, serving Ft. Worth, TX. 

Does Auto Insurance Cover Bodily Injury in Ft. Worth?

Bodily injury after an accident can be an especially difficult matter to handle. All accidents are unnerving even under the best of circumstances, but a physical injury can be particularly devastating. If you’re wondering if auto insurance covers it in Ft. Worth, TX, Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. is here to help you understand more about how your policy works under these circumstances. 

Bodily Injury Is Covered (for Others)

As a driver in Texas, you’re required to have some degree of liability coverage for bodily injury. However, this only covers the medical injuries of other people as opposed to yourself. If you want to be covered, you’ll need additional personal injury protection. 

There Are Limits 

Bodily injury can be a tricky matter for some people. If you hit someone in a standard fender-bender and they experience whiplash, this may not be a major injury in and of itself. However, if the person had a preexisting condition, such as a neck injury or back problem, the impact could have much greater consequences. 

Learning More 

If you’re interested in learning more about the limits of your current policy (or setting up a new policy that will carry enough protection), it helps to talk with someone who understands how it all works. There are a number of solutions available to you should you want additional coverage, including changing your auto insurance policy or purchasing an additional safety net policy like umbrella insurance. 

Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. is here to help the people of Ft. Worth, TX understand more about their options. Contact us today to learn more about how you can have the best possible policy to ensure that everyone can heal and recover should an accident occur. 

Does Adding A Teen Driver Impact Insurance Premiums?

Having a teen driver on the road can be a stressful time. One of the major concerns of most parents and guardians is providing the right type and amount of insurance protection for both the teen driver and themselves. One of the top concerns with auto insurance for teens is whether it will increase premiums for an established driver.

Does Having a Teen Driver Increase Auto Insurance Premiums?

In most instances, having a new teen driver added to an existing policy can increase the premium significantly. This is because teen drivers have a much higher risk of accidents and other insurance claims as opposed to established, mature drivers. Before adding a teen driver, it is essential to discuss the implications with an insurance agent. Be sure to understand the impact of premiums as well as coverage options before adding them or purchasing a different policy. 

Consult an Agent First

The first step towards getting the right amount of protection for a teen driver is to find a reputable insurance agency with agents who can work directly with the policyholder to discuss impacts on either new or existing coverage. They can explain what the terms and conditions in the policy are in detail and help decide if there should be an alternate option depending on the individual situation. Don’t guess when it comes to protecting a teen driver. Get coverage that is going to provide peace of mind and convenience that Main Street Independent Insurance can provide for the residents of Ft. Worth, TX.  

Whether you are in Colorado or Texas, our agents can help. Call or stop by Main Street Independent Insurance in Ft. Worth, TX. Agents are ready to assist those who have questions or need assistance with a policy purchase or amendment. 

Why You Need Auto Insurance in Texas

The state of Texas is well known for being an enormous place with a variety of quickly growing cities. For those that are in the Dallas or Ft. Worth, TX area, the size of the Metroplex makes it a practical necessity to own a car. If you are thinking about buying a new or used car, you also need to consider your auto insurance needs carefully. There are several reasons why you may need to get an auto insurance policy in Texas.

Ensures Legal Compliance

One reason why you should always have auto insurance when you are driving a car in Texas is that it will ensure that you comply with state auto insurance requirements. All drivers in Texas are mandated to have a minimum level of auto liability coverage. This will ensure that they can pay restitution if they are at fault in an accident. Those that are caught driving without it could face stiff penalties.

Lender Requirements

While it is not required by law, anyone that has an auto loan will also need to have collision and comprehensive insurance at all times. This type of insurance can protect you against many different situations that could cause a loss. This could include protection against theft, vandalism, and even accident damage. Since the lender wants to make sure that their collateral is protected, the loan agreement will require that you carry this insurance. 

Getting auto insurance is a necessity for drivers in the Ft. Worth, TX area. To make sure that you get an excellent policy, you should work with Main Street Independent Insurance for your insurance needs. Main Street Independent Insurance will work with you to make sure that you know all of your options and are able to get a quote easily.

4 Tips to Prevent Car Theft

Having your car stolen, vandalized, or burglarized is not something you want to discover. However, car theft is a real risk in Ft. Worth, TX. For that reason, you should take some preventative measures to keep your vehicle safe. At Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. we put together four tips that will help prevent your car from being stolen, vandalized, or burglarized. Keep reading.

1. Never Leave Valuables in Your Car

A purse. A cell phone. Cash. Never leave items like these in your car. Would-be thieves will not hesitate to bust a window or pick a lock if they see a prize inside. If you must leave some valuables behind, always lock it in the trunk. 

2. Secure Your Vehicle

Keep your vehicle locked at all times. Whether you’re out shopping, at a friends house, at work, or parked right in front of your own home, always keep your car locked. Also, install an alarm system to deter thieves from breaking into your car and stealing items or the car itself. 

3. Park Smart

Wherever you go, park smart. This means park in well-lit areas at night, utilize secure parking garages in big cities, and park close to other cars and areas where there are people and things going on. 

4. Never Leave Your Car Running

Even if you have to run into the store or house for just two seconds, never leave your car running. Instead, follow the rules above. Turn off the car, make sure valuables are unseen, and lock the car before you go inside.

To learn more about protecting your vehicle from theft, contact the friendly agents at Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. serving the Ft. Worth, TX area. Our friendly team will answer all your questions and help you find an auto policy for your needs.

Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums

One of the best ways to lower your auto insurance cost in Ft. Worth, TX is to have a good driving record, but there can also be other things to do to lower your premium.

Consider Your Vehicle: Before you purchase a used or new car, look into the insurance cost. Insurance premiums factor in the cost to repair it, the likelihood of theft, and the overall safety record. You may also get discounts for features that can reduce theft or risk of injury.

Ask for a Higher Deductible: A deductible is what you pay when you file a claim before your insurance kicks in. A higher deductible can lower your premium. Keep in mind you will have to pay your deductible if you use the insurance, so it should still be something you can afford.

Lower Coverage on Older Cars: You may want to drop collision and comprehensive coverage on older cars. If the car is worth less than 10 times the premium, the coverage may not be effective. You can look up the value of your car online and be sure to review your coverage to make sure your needs haven’t changed.

Multiple Policy Discounts: Ask your agent at Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. if getting your home and auto coverage together can give you a break.

Have a Good Credit Record: A solid credit history can help reduce your insurance cost. Many insurers use credit information to price out policies. Studies show that those who do a better job at maintaining their credit have lower claims. To help your credit score, pay bills on time and keep your balances low.

Low Mileage Discounts: See if you can get a low mileage discount if you drive fewer than the average number of miles per year.

Contact Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. serving Ft. Worth, TX, to get a quote on auto insurance. 

Is having auto insurance always a necessity?

Driving a car is a necessity for many people in the Ft. Worth, TX area. Most people that drive a car in this area are aware that they will need to have auto insurance in place at all times while they are driving. However, there are situations in which you do not necessarily need to have auto insurance on your car.

You Won’t Drive It

One situation in which you will not need to have car insurance in place is if you do not plan on driving your car. If you plan on having a car that will simply sit in your garage or sit in a storage unit, you do not necessarily need to have the minimum liability coverage. However, if you cancel car insurance when your vehicle is in storage, you could create a gap in your insurance history and will not have any coverage if the vehicle is damaged. Further, if you do take the car out of storage, you need to make sure that you have liability coverage in place the second it hits the road. 

No Loan on the Vehicle

Another situation where you may not need auto insurance is if you do not have a loan. If you have a car that is going to simply sit in storage and is not collateral for any type of loan, there will not be a loan agreement that will require you to carry insurance. 

If you have a car in the Ft. Worth, TX area, the team at Main Street Independent Insurance will be able to help you to get a reliable insurance policy. When you meet with the team at Main Street Independent Insurance, you will receive help in picking a policy that provides you with the right level of protection. We also serve residents in Colorado as well.