303 W Pearl St. Ste. 102
Granbury TX 76048
Most Texas or Colorado renters think they don’t need insurance. A landlord usually has insurance on the building, but it does not cover your personal belongings. What would happen if:
At Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. in Ft. Worth, TX, we offer insurance coverage for personal property loss and damage to protect you in situations mentioned above. We cover:
We provide protection if personal property is damaged, stolen, or destroyed. Loss of clothing, furniture, television and entertainment systems, computers, sporting equipment, and jewelry can amount to a high financial loss. We may replace the personal belongings to help reinstate you to your previous financial position. It is wise to create an inventory of your belongings to document in the case of a loss. This will help the insurance company determine what needs to be replaced and provides an idea of how much your items are worth.
This renters insurance policy covers the cost of repairs if you, your children, pets, or a guest damages the unit you occupy. It also covers medical bills for others if they sustain an injury at your home. It also includes liability coverage in case someone sues you. This policy will cover the cost of the suit.
If something happens and makes your home uninhabitable, we cover for temporary housing as your residence is being repaired. This saves you from financially troubling circumstances. This policy can include hotel and meal cost for you and your family.
Regardless of where you live in Texas or Colorado, Main Street Independent Insurance Agencies Inc. in Ft. Worth, TX will be happy to offer assistance on renters insurance. We help Texas and Colorado residents acquire insurance policies that meet their specific needs and requirements.